Merlin´s Kinderwelt - dětský svět v Excalibur City nabízí spoustu legrace pro malé i velké. Pro děti každého věku, ale i jejich rodiče nabízíme zábavu, která nezná hranic. Naleznete zde více než 200 atrakcí - na zemi, ve vodě, ve vzduchu i pod střechou, bistro s vlastní nabídkou Merlinových jídel a obchůdek s hračkami a cukrovinkami.
Děti mají možnost bezplatně se zaregistrovat do Merlinova klubu a získají tak spoustu výhod: uvítací balíček – 10 tokenů zdarma, klubové tričko a odznak; 5 tokenů k narozeninám a další překvapení.
K dispozici jsou také prostory multifunkčního kina, kde vám rádi uspořádáme narozeninovou oslavu plnou balónků, dárků a překvapení. Navštívit můžete také mega velké lanové centrum Sky Trail, které se rozprostírá více než 20 m nad zemí a nabízí nezapomenutelný výhled na celý areál Excalibur City.
Děti se vyřádí na motokárách, čtyřkolkách nebo si mohou vyzkoušet své dovednosti a znalosti silničního provozu na dětském dopravním hřišti. V Merlin´s Kinderwelt si užijete zábavu za každého počasí! Čekají na vás atrakce jak venku, tak ve vnitřní části.
Vstup je zdarma!
Atrakce se platí prostřednictvím tokenů, které je možné zakoupit na místě ve výměnných automatech za české koruny a za eura.
The construction works on today’s Children’s World were commenced in 2009 with the renovation of the relaxation park. The main input was to offer some services to children who had been neglected. Among the first attractions which were put into service were the nautic jet, luna loop or bumper car ride, which are among the most favourite attractions to date.
Even this first part of the Children’s World alone met with great success, which is why the management decided to expand it and offer more attractions and amusement park facilities. In 2010, the construction of the "water world" started. The splashing water introduced a new element of entertainment atmosphere and, consequently, children’s laughter. A pond, waterfall or pirate ship with a captain’s cabin – this is just a small example of the interesting things to see in this part of the park.
As the facility gained in popularity, we had to ask yourselves what to offer to children during bad weather. By then, it had already been decided that the Rrrausmarkt discount-sale hall would be closed down. Our architects took the opportunity and started to plan the renovation of these premises, so as to build indoor facilities of the Children’s World.
Aside from attractions such as bumper cars, Russian wheel, happy journey or numerous arcade games, you can also visit a bistro with its own selection of Merlin’s meals, café or toy store, as well as an infopoint where our staff are ready to help or assist you anytime.
In addition, we also offer a multi-purpose cinema theatre where you can have a birthday party, or you can rent it for private screenings. If you want to see what our premises and facilities look like, visit our photo gallery. Or better yet, come see for yourselves! We are looking forward to your visit!